Thursday, April 30, 2020


Today our Task Master set by our teacher was, become a superhero. My superhero power is speed so I can run to Australia to see my Nanny and Papa.


Today I did pages 17-18 of my lockdown diary.
I found writing easy today because I was concentrating.
I found it hard to design my bacground. I used gradient for my background toady and I found it tricky to learn to make it a circle.
I enjoyed making the gradient background even though it was tricky. Next time I will make my writing a little bit biger. Thank you for visiting my blog.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Lighting the sky with Raspberry Pi

Today for reading we were reading Lighting the sky with Raspberry Pi.
We had to read the story and answer the questions.
Each question was worth 5 points, I got 25/40
Here a screen shot of my results.
I enjoyed this book it was very informative I learned How to make a bulb work. To make a bulb work you need wires, battery, and bulb.


Today I was working on my lockdown diary pages 15-16.
I enjoyed making gradients and applying them to my work.
I found it hard to do the typing because there was lots to type.
Here is the pictures of my lockdown diary pages.
I would use different fonts next time to make my work more iteresting.

Friday, April 24, 2020

ANZAC day poppy

Today I made a poppy to put out the front of my house. The poppy is a symbol of war remembrance. The red on the petals represents the blood of the ones who lost  their lives, the black represents  the sadness of the ones who lost their loved ones and the green represents hope  that grass and crops grow after the war and brings a field full of poppies.
I found it easy to paint the middle part of the poppy.
I found it hard to put the wraping paper on the poppy.
Next time I would do it different by paiting it.

Thursday, April 23, 2020


Today we are doing pages 13-14 of our lockdown diary.
I found it hard to fill the coulor  in the text box.
I found it easy to do typeing.
here are the pages 13-14 of my lockdown diary

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

My lockdown diary 11-12

Today we were adding more pages to our lockdown diary.
I found it tricky to get my work done today.
I found it easy to write what words to my favourite song mean.
I dont think I would change anything. I like my background that I saved to my computer.
to use it I just need to press insert and upload it. It is very easy my brother showed me how.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

my lockdown diary

Today we are doing our lockdown diary pages 9 - 10.
my older brother taught me how to put pictures on the background of my google drawings.
I found it easy to put the picures on like my bother showed me.
I wouldnt change how I made it because I think it looks cool.
I found it hard to do the writing.

Monday, April 20, 2020


I found it tricky to think of what to write to my future self.
I found it easy and fun to do the movie review.
Here is my lockdown diary pages 7 and 8.
I have put a picture of a floating car on my note to future self becaus I think in the futre there will be flying cars.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Task Master Camouflage

Today I was doing my Task Master
I enjoyed doing this fun task
I found it challenging to find the right place to hide and to upload this to my Blog

My Lock Down Diary

We are learning to write a diary
I found it hard to think of things.
I found it easy to do the chiken on the KFC.
Here a some picure of my lockdown diary

Thursday, April 16, 2020


I found it hard to know they were growing another tree
I found it easy to use the shapes.
here is my pictures of the lockdown diary

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


The day lockdown started I planted a vegetable garden.
I have been watering my garden each day except for when its raining.
I have weeded my garden and have been looking after it well.
here are some pictuers.


I found it hard to recreate my lockdown dairy cover page.
I found it easy to write what it is I appreciate about my family.
Here are some pictures of my lockdown dairy.