Wednesday, November 13, 2019


This week we are learning about  Parihaka.
The soldiers came and they had guns and swords. The kids were singing and dancing around. The women had baked bread and gave it to the soldiers. The soldiers felt guilty because the Parihaka people did not have guns and did not fight back. The soldiers took the men to jail. When they got out they rebuilt the village.
I found it easy to write it
I found it hard to find the marae

Monday, November 4, 2019


Today Rooms 1 2 and 3 are making dumplings. Don´t you love that smell? Itś so nice don´t you think? In the dumplings we put beef mince, carrots, spring onions and sesame oil. We put the mixture in the middle of the dumpling skin on the not floured side. Then we put some water around it. Next we squished it around the outside so the mixture stayed inside. After that, the Mandarin teacher fried it. The I dipped mine in sweet chilli sauce. I loved it.
Here are the photos I took.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What media I ues.

today we are learing about media
I found it easy to find the photo
I found hard to take the selfy

Sunday, October 13, 2019

School Holidays

These holidays have been terrific! We have had some really warm weather. My twin sister and I had our friends to stay over. It was so warm outside so we slept in our big family tent. We were all super excited and didn't get to sleep until 2 o'clock in the morning. The next day Mum took us to the Olympic Pools it was great fun there because they had an obstacle course floating on the water. We spent 4 hours at the pools we didn't want to get out of the water because we were having a blast!
It was still really warm so Mum took us to captain Morgans for some ice-cream and some time at the beach before dropping our friends off at home. We made great memories these school holidays.

Sunday, October 6, 2019


On september the 27th year 5 & 6 went to the Catholic schools competiotion in
rotorua I played hockey for our school we had a lot of fun and won 3 out of 4 games. Our school St Marys Gisborne came second overall in hockey. We stayed at St Marys Rotorua school their school is a really neat school. Here is a photo after our first Game the that we won.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

my pepeha

Tihei mauri ora
Ko pepeha ki ahau
Ko maungahaumi te maunga 
Ko waipaoa te awa
Ko takitimu Te waka 
Ko te Ai Tanga A Mahaki Te iwi
Ko takitimu te marae
Ko te whanau a kai te hapu
No  turanganui a kiwa 
Ko Hoato maria toku kura
Ko Tamatea Toku whanau 
Ko Nichole Toku Mama 
Ko Peter Toku Papa 
Ko Kharn ahau

No reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Climate Change

We are learning how to structure our writing.
What I found hard  - Punctuation
What I found easy - typing 

What is climate change? Climate change and global warming are different. Global warming is the process of our planet heating up. Climate change is the effect that the warmer temperature has like having more storms, wind and sunshine.

The Earth has warmed by an average of 1C in the last century, and although that might not sound like much, it means big things for people and wildlife around the globe.

Unfortunately, rising temperatures doesn’t just mean that we’ll get nicer weather - if only! The changing climate will actually make our weather more extreme and unpredictable. 

As temperatures rise, some areas will get wetter and lots of animals could find they’re not able to adapt to their changing climate.


Tuesday, September 3, 2019

10 doors

we are learning to link.
I found it hard to find the pictures. 
I found it easy to type.
Next time i will do a different theme.

Math quiz

we are leaning how to do a math quiz.
I found hard to find out the answers.
I found easy to link the slides with ctrl-k.
Good luck have fun.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Amazon Rainforest Wildfires

We have been learning about the fires in the Amazon Rainforest.
I enjoyed finding pictures of the animals that live in the Amazon Rainforest.
I found it hard finishing on time.
Next time I would not copy and paste. I would use my own words.

The Amazon Rainforest is home to thousands of animals, insects, and plant species. This rainforest is so beautiful and rich with vegetation that it is known as the 'lungs of the Earth.' It got its nickname because of the abundance of vegetation it contains, which takes carbon dioxide out of the air and releases fresh oxygen for us to breath. The Amazon Rainforest actually produces 20 percent of the world's oxygen.
There have been 72,000 forest fires between January and August. The fires can be seen from space. The fires are killing animals.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Caged Hens Vs Free Range Hens

We are writing persuasive texts. We are leaning to structure them.
I found it easy to do spelling and punctuation.
I found it hard to do paragraphs.

Should chickens be caged or free range? Chickens are the most common type of bird on earth. Most people raise chickens for their eggs and their meat. Caged hens are called battery hens. In New Zealand out of  3.2 million hens that lay eggs eighty two percent are caged. Caged hens have their beaks trimmed so they don't peck out their feathers or eat each other.

Caged hens are more likely to get diseases like fatty liver disease, osteoporosis and they have the weakest bone strength.

I think free range chickens are a friendly way to raise chickens because it’s not cruel it's safe and gives the chickens a positive lifestyle. Free range  eggs have better nutrition with lots of vitamin D in the yolk. Free range chickens are able to scratch and dig around in the dirt and leaves to look for things to eat. Free range chickens are able to stretch their wings and fly short distances.

I firmly believe that cage chickens should be banned because they can't fluff around, they will get fatty liver disease and they can not act  like a normal chicken.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Tom Fedro Art

This is my Tom Fedro art.
To be success full in my art piece i needed to use both sides of the paint brush, bold lines, bright colours and shades to show the light direction.
Tom Fedro lives in Chicago.


Interdependence is when two living things depend on each other. A giraffe has a lot of parasites living on it so it depends on the ox pecker to eat the parasites to keep the giraffe healthy. This also helps the ox pecker because the parasites are a food source for the ox pecker.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

St Mary MacKillop

St Mary MacKillop
Last Thursday we went to Mass. This was a special Mass for Saint Mary Mackillops feast day.
Who is Saint Mary MacKillop?
She is a saint. Australia's first Catholic Saint
What did St Mary MacKillop do?
She travelled Australia and New Zealand and helped kids by teaching them about God and teaching them to trust in Jesus.
How did Mary Mackillop become a saint?
In June 1995 Mary MacKillop was beatified by Pope John Paul II. A woman claimed that her cancer had disappeared after praying to Mary Mackillop through prayer. This is the Miracle that Pope Benidict needed to be able to recognise Mary Mackillop as a saint. Mary was canonized October 2010. Canonized means to declare a dead person to be a saint.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Things I do Not Like

we are learning to write poems.
I enjoyed voice typing.
I found hard rembering things that I bo not like.

I do not like doing homework.  
I do not like the ‘soccer skins’ on Fortnite. 
I do not like it when my brother dies on Fortnite because he rages, 
And I do not like reading books.
I do not like playing with my brother Kingston.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Mrs Crisp

every Monday Tuesday Wednesday we go to the office to do writing with Mrs Chrisp. She is a writing teacher. we had to write about our self and made a sentence with every letter of the alphabet I do it with 5 other people.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

crazy robot

Crazy robot
"Every weekend there was one job bob hated doing: mowing the lawns. He’d much rather be building his latest robot invention in the shed. That was it! What if Bob could build a robot to mow the lawn?”     
He made it with a toilet, some knives, a pair of scissors ,a laser pointer ,two metal arms ,wheels and a motor
He stayed up all night building his robot but in the morning it was finally ready. In the morning he pulled out his mystery machine. He put it on lawn mower mode and started relaxing. He ended up falling asleep.  He was woken up by the noise of a crowd yelling ...he ran really fast to check what was happening…..when he got there he saw that the robot cut someones head of luck it was a manikin !!!! There was fluff  everywhere. It was all over someone’s arm and all over the fence. It was creepy. Bob tried to catch the robot it was too fast for everyone.
 There was only one solution... to smash the remote. The only problem was that Bob would always have to  the lawn. But I guess that will be better for everyone dun duh duhhhhhhh!!!
To be continued.

Friday, June 28, 2019

st Maximillan Kolbe

We are learning about saints.
I enjoyed writing about St Maximillan Kolbe.
I found challenging finding out when he was born.

St Maximillian Kolbe
Born: 8 January 1894.
St Maximillian Kolbe was a priest but then he was put in prison because he was hiding the Jews from the Nazis. St Maximilian Kolbe was looking after all of the Jews in prison but every day someone had to  get executed. His friend was about to get executed but St Maximilian Kolbe said, “No take me and execute me because he has friends and family and kids.” St Maximilian Kolbe didn't have a family and he died on 14 August 1941.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Gummy worms

We were learning about how. to make gummy worms
What was hard or easy.? It was easy to make the worms
What I enjoyed - making the worms.

We had to write a explanation

Have you ever wondered what makes a polymer? A polymer is more than one monomer. First put one teaspoon of calcium chloride with water then suck up some of sodium alginate [from seaweed} with a pipette.  Squeeze the sodium alginate into the bowl with the calcium chloride. Then you can squeeze and hold thne pipette to make a gummy worm. This is an irreversible chnage.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


I'm Kharn. I am in year 5. I go to St Mary's School. I live with my mum, my dad, 5
brothers and 1 sister. I have one kitten. Its name is kitte.
I like going hunting and fishing and riding my mountain bike. I also like swimming. I
like soccer and rugby too. My favourite animals are dogs and.
My goal this year is to learn my 4 and 3 times tables.